Book Donations
The Friends of the Jefferson-Madison Library is a 501c(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Book donations will be accepted at the Gordon Avenue branch, lower level lobby entrance during Gordon Avenue branch operating hours:
Monday: 9:00 - 9:00
Tuesday: 9:00 - 6:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 9:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 6:00
Friday: 10:00 - 5:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 5:00
Sunday: Closed
Last day to donate before the Spring 2025 sale will be Friday, March 21.
We will resume accepting donations on Monday, April 21.
How to Donate:
We appreciate your delivering donations in boxes, bags, or other containers. Small moving boxes (16 x 12 x 12) or bankers's boxes are best for us. If you do not have a container then please stack them on the large table to the left in the lower level lobby of the Gordon Avenue branch, or on the small table and shelf to the right.
Large donations should be brought to the Gordon Avenue Library.
Other JMRL branches also accept donations. Donations to these branches should be in easy-to-handle cardboard boxes (e.g.small or medium size moving boxes) that close on the top. Make sure that all books fit inside with the lid or flaps closed. Due to space limitations at libraries and on the JMRL delivery truck, the library may only accept 3 boxes at a time; this may also vary by branch. Contact your local branch for additional information. Please deliver donations during hours when the library is open; donations left when the library is closed may be discarded.
Do not place donations in the Book Return slots.
If unable to deliver donations, arrangements may sometimes be made for pick-up. Call 434.977.8467 or email info@jmrlfriends.org
What we accept:
- books on all subjects, of all ages, for all ages, in a condition that will sell
- DVDs, CDs, LPs, puzzles, games, sheet music and ephemera
What we DO NOT accept:
No School or Public Library Discards!
Encyclopedias, audio or video tapes, or magazines
Books that are in a poor or bad condition, i.e. having one or more of the following:
- broken spine; missing pages or covers
- water, food or other stains; mildew; rot; excessively yellowed pages
- crudely, heavily or excessively annotated, highlighted, underlined or otherwise marked
Please note that book donations that we cannot use are disposed of in one of the following ways:
- given to another worthy cause: e.g. schools, institutions, self-help groups, etc;
- made available to the public through the library branches’ free paper-back book boxes
- ecologically recycled